You Write Your Own Story

My son was picked on a lot at school last year which led to a lot of negative self talk. He had lists of all the things he was not and why these things made him less worthy, less lovable.

He was sure this was true, the die had been cast because someone else said it was so.

But here's the thing; no one gets to tell you who you are.

Your story is decided by you.

And the way you talk to yourself matters.

If you listen on others' assessments of you, if you adopt them as your own, they become "real" to you.

So listen my friends and listen well:

Unless the assessment of you is glowing, and supportive, and helpful, do not accept it. Do not believe someone else's story about you.

Write your own story.

And then rewrite your story.

And then make drafts, and more drafts.

And then rewrite it again, and again, and again.

You are a story left untold, an adventure waiting to unfold!

Don't let someone else write your story for you.

Love you!

Desire & Anger

So much of our lives are now viewed through a lens that is designed for discontent; the more angry it makes us, the more potency it has, the longer the engagement, etc. If we let it, this puts us squarely in the "qualities of passion" (rajas) and robs us of our ability to remain equanimous (sattva); the state we need to be in to make true, meaningful change. Weaponizing our anger compels us to act "against our will" which robs us of our ability to seek true, meaningful connection and discourse.

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